How To Burglar-Proof Windows In Allentown
It’s a situation no homeowner wants to confront - a burglar creeping through a window and into your interior. You return to discover valuables missing and your house in shambles. Fortunately, there are several worthwhile options for protecting your most vulnerable entry points. See how to burglar-proof windows in Allentown and explore the benefits of an integrated security system.
Trip Your Alarm With Window Sensors
If a burglar attempts to enter through a window, your alarm should go off, and you should be notified promptly, even when you’re away. You may get this functionality when utilizing the latest door and window sensors in Allentown. Choose from these different kinds:
- Contact sensors: Adaptable and simple, contact sensors establish a magnetic field by using a two-part system. The field is disturbed as the window goes up, prompting your alarm to sound. You might utilize contact sensors on windows, doors, and other locations like pool entrances.
- Glass break sensors: Less patient burglars might simply venture to shatter a window in lieu of opening it. Prepare for this possibility with glass break sensors. You can discover acoustic options that discern sound, other types that sense the vibration from glass shattering, and some that perceive both.
No matter your choice, the sensors will trigger your alarm and even notify you by way of your smartphone's home security app.
Spot Movement With Motion Detectors In Allentown
If a prowler comes up to your residence and is abruptly blinded by light, he will in all likelihood take off the other way. Motion-activated lighting are greatly effective in keeping intruders away from your windows. Install them in strategic areas within proximity of your windows. Within your home, you might use standalone motion detectors as another layer of security. You'll be alerted if an individual enters a space they shouldn’t be in.
Discourage Intruders With Video Cameras And Signage
If a bright light doesn’t keep burglars away from your house, video cameras may do the job. Just the presence of cameras is usually enough to scare away trespassers. Current options will even connect to your other features. Prompt lights to turn on and get automatic warnings dispatched to your cell phone and monitoring team. Home security signage provides another visual cue that your home is not a suitable target.
Extra Ways To Burglar-Proof Windows In Allentown
Your home security system and its integrated devices will burglar-proof windows in Allentown, but they aren’t your only option. Explore these other burglar-proofing ideas:
- Attach window bars. This solution can be utilized outside or inside. There are standard and more stylish bars, as well as different attachment modes. Select from swing-away, removable, or fixed.
- Upgrade existing window fasteners and hardware. Find stronger, more secure locks, and install tamper-proof screws that are challenging to remove.
- Use window security screens. Strong, stainless-steel mesh screens are hard to get past.
- Place window security film.Easy-to-use security film may be customized to your precise window dimensions. It works in a similar manner as windshield glass and blocks the window from shattering into your home.
- Inquire about shatter-resistant glass. This specialized glass is highly durable and stands up well against break-ins. It cracks into a spiderweb while holding its shape. It might also defend against storm-related damage.
Protect Your Windows And Your Whole Home With Secure24 Alarm Systems
Discover the latest devices to burglar-proof your windows and all of your Allentown home by contacting Secure24 Alarm Systems. We feature the latest surveillance cameras, motion sensing equipment, and entry point sensors to keep you totally protected. Call (601) 298-3167 today to design your home security package.